Monday, February 9, 2009

Blessed rain

I woke up to a slow steady rain falling outside. It was wonderful and lasted until about 8:00. Over all, I think we got over an inch and a quarter! We so needed it, and would gladly take more!

It started off being a productive day, at least, I was preparing for a productive one when I suddenly got dizzy and threw up a couple of times. What bug got a hold of me, I have no idea. The nausea and crazy vision stuff is gone, but the wooziness in my head is still there somewhat. Fortunately, I did get the majority of laundry done yesterday when we got home from Dallas. I have a couple more loads to do, and then get everything put away. Bud is going into town this afternoon and will take care of grocery shopping and the banking business for us.

On Saturday, while in Dallas, I searched the Internet for ads in local papers and found a lead for "Anna" - Beth's baby sister! She's only about an hour away and we will bring her home on Wednesday! Looking forward to adopting Anna has helped in dealing with the pain of losing Ruth. It's important to Bud and I that we get a baby sister for Beth, because we don't know how much longer we have with her. It's important for Anna to know Beth, who knew Ruth, who knew Sara, who knew Sadie - so the line of knowing will continue.
